Iredell County, NC

NC_Iredell Created with Sketch.
  • Phone:
    (704) 878-3140
  • Office Address:
    203 Stockton St, Statesville, NC 28677
  • Start Time:
    6:00 AM End Time:
    8:30 PM
    (You must work the full day)
  • Compensation:
    $150 to $205. $20 for training.
NC_Iredell Created with Sketch.

Voter Registration Requirements

  • You must be registered to vote in Iredell County to be a poll worker

  • Note: This voter registration requirement does not apply to poll workers under the age of 18.

Work Requirements

  • Minimum Age: 17-year-old high school students who are U.S. citizens and county residents.

  • You must complete training to be a poll worker.

  • Training Details: In-person training typically lasts 2 hours.