New Ashford (Town), MA

  • Phone:
    (413) 441-0708
  • Office Address:
    188 Mallery Rd, New Ashford, MA 01237
  • Start Time:
    7:00 AM End Time:
    8:00 to 10:00 PM
    (Part-day shifts are available.)
  • Compensation:
    $15 per hour for Election Day and training.

Voter Registration Requirements

  • Until six weeks before an election, you must be registered to vote in Massachusetts to be appointed as a poll worker. The voter registration requirement does not apply to interpreters, greeters, or 16 and 17-year-old poll workers. Within six weeks of an election, any competent person, regardless of their voter registration status or residency, may be appointed as a poll worker.

  • Note: This voter registration requirement does not apply to poll workers under the age of 18.

Work Requirements

  • Minimum Age: 16

  • Training Details: Training is recommended for adult workers and may be required depending on the election. 16 and 17-year-olds are required to attend training prior to serving as student poll workers.