Hillsborough County, FL

FL_Hillsborough Created with Sketch.
  • Phone:
    (813) 744-5900
  • Office Address:
    2514 North Falkenburg Rd, Tampa, FL 33619
  • Start Time:
    6:00 AM End Time:
    8:00 PM or later
    (You must work the full day)
  • Compensation:
    $330 to $391 for Election Day and training. $15 to $17 per hour for Early Voting.
FL_Hillsborough Created with Sketch.

Voter Registration Requirements

  • You must be registered to vote in Hillsborough County to be a poll worker

Work Requirements

  • Minimum Age: 16-year-olds who are preregistered to vote in the county

  • You must complete training to be a poll worker.

  • Training Details: Online training typically lasts 4 to 6 hours, depending on position. An additional 2 hour in-person training is available to gain experience with voting technology.

Bilingual English-Spanish speakers are highly encouraged to apply.