Tarrant County, TX

TX_Tarrant Created with Sketch.
  • Phone:
    (817) 831-8683
  • Office Address:
    2700 Premier St, Fort Worth, TX 76161-0011 Mailing Address:
    PO Box 961011, Fort Worth, TX 76161-0011
  • Start Time:
    5:30 AM End Time:
    8:00 PM or later.
    (You must work the full day)
  • Compensation:
    $13 to $15 per hour for Election Day. Per state law, poll workers are paid at least the federal minimum wage rate for attending training.
TX_Tarrant Created with Sketch.

Voter Registration Requirements

  • You must be registered to vote in Tarrant County to be a poll worker

  • Note: This voter registration requirement does not apply to poll workers under the age of 18.

Work Requirements

  • Minimum Age: 16-year-old high school students who are U.S. citizens.

  • You must complete training to be a poll worker.

  • Training Details: A combination of in-person and online training may be required. In-person training lasts 45 minutes to 4 hours, depending on the subject. Poll workers are trained at the time of their appointment and should be re-trained every time they are appointed.

Individuals who speak English and another language, particularly Spanish or Vietnamese, are encouraged to apply. If you speak another language, please indicate this on your application form.

Individuals who are comfortable using computers and tablets are strongly encouraged to apply.