Fulton County, GA

GA_Fulton Created with Sketch.
  • Phone:
    (404) 612-7020
  • Office Address:
    5600 Campbellton Fairburn Rd, Fairburn, GA 30213
  • Start Time:
    5:00 AM End Time:
    10:00 PM
    (You must work the full day)
  • Compensation:
    Some positions earn a flat rate and others earn an hourly wage. Flat rate on Election Day: $275 to $400. Hourly rate for Election Day: $17 to $24 per hour. $40 for training. An additional $25 to $50 for picking up supplies and other duties.
GA_Fulton Created with Sketch.

Voter Registration Requirements

  • This jurisdiction does not have a voter registration requirement to be a poll worker

Work Requirements

  • Minimum Age: 16

  • You must complete training to be a poll worker.

  • Training Details: In-person training typically lasts 2 hours. Online training is also available.

In addition to Election Day workers, Fulton County is looking for Early Voting workers. Please contact election officials, listed above, for additional information.

Individuals who are comfortable using computers and tablets are strongly encouraged to apply.

Bilingual individuals fluent in English and Spanish are encouraged to apply.

Poll workers should plan to vote before Election Day unless they are assigned to their own polling place.

Poll workers must be U.S. citizens who are residents or employees of the county where they serve. Poll workers can work in an adjoining county if they have permission from their home county’s election office and there is not a poll worker shortage in their home county.

In addition to Election Day workers, Fulton County is looking for Early Voting workers. Please contact election officials, listed above, for additional information.