Butler County, OH

OH_Butler Created with Sketch.
  • Phone:
    (513) 785-5711
  • Office Address:
    1802 Princeton Rd, Suite 600, Hamilton, OH 45011
  • Start Time:
    5:30 AM End Time:
    8:30 PM
    (You must work the full day)
  • Compensation:
    Up to $133.72 per day.
OH_Butler Created with Sketch.

Voter Registration Requirements

  • You must be registered to vote in Butler County to be a poll worker

  • Note: This voter registration requirement does not apply to poll workers under the age of 18.

Work Requirements

  • Minimum Age: 17-year-olds who are U.S. citizens and county residents.

  • You must complete training to be a poll worker.

  • Training Details: In-person training typically lasts 3 hours and is held in the weeks leading up to an election. Training is required at least once every two or three years, depending on position.

Poll workers are required to help set up their assigned polling place on the Monday evening before Election Day.  Set up begins at 6:30 PM and is usually completed by 8:30 PM.